Monday, May 21, 2007

Rising City

Ok, so I know I have not updated this thing in a loong time, but here come a bunch of updates so get ready! And since uploading pictures and typing take up a lot of time, I am going to cut back on a lot of the typing part to give you all what you really are here for anyways....the pictures!!

Legend has is that the city of Thessaloniki rose out of the bay at the base of Mt Khoriatis to form and ideal fortification site.

Here are pictures from Thessaloniki, Greece. I had to take an 19 hour ferry ride from Turkey to get here, but I eventually got there. It was extremely clean and very modern to my surprise. And the people were very nice and love to have a good time. The better part of the waterfront is lined with cafes, bars, and restaurants that are literally busy all the time. It get really crowded around 11pm when everyone, including families come out to start the night and have dinner, folllowed by drinks.

The White Tower, as the ferry was approaching the port.

A look down the massive housing blocks, they actually frame the waterfront quite nicely.

Walking down the waterfont.

The Arch of Galerius...its really cool finding ruins like this just in the middle of the city.

The waterfront at night.

A few down to the Bay from the Roman Rotounda, with the Arch of Galerius in the foreground.

One of my favorite artworks that I have seen along the waterfront.

More of Thessaloniki at night.

Statue of Alexander the Great.

A view from the Roman Agora down to the Bay.

Even this not so attractive abandoned construction site has a nice little bar that attracts lots of locals.

1 comment:

Jad said...

Hi Alberto,

I don't know if you still access this blog, but I am interested in finding out more about Mt Khoriatis due to its significance to my family's ancestry. I happened to find your article whilst googling the family history.

Could you please contact me on

Many thanks,
